Friday, 10 November 2017

Research: Target Audience 4

We asked members of our sixth form and lower school (ages 14-18) to watch our video and answer questions relating to the genre, presentation of the star and if she found it interesting.

These are the questions we asked and answers we received from this research:

1] What genre of music video does it look like?

(Female aged 16) Pop

(Female aged 14) Romantic Pop

(Female ages 17) Pop

2] Do you like the way he male star is presented? What do you like? -

(Female aged 16) I like the way he's presented as a typical teenager applying to the target audience. I also really like the way he looks like he’s singing the sing.

(Female aged 14) yes, looking into the camera and it looks like hes speaking to you.

(Female aged 17) yes the pink clothes help link him to more of the female audience.

3] Would the MV make you interested in finding out more about him? -

(Female aged 16) Yes, seems interesting, want to know more about him. I want to know why he wants to "bring love back around".

(Female aged 14) Yes, I wanna know why he's lonley.

(Female aged 17) Yes, I'd like to see what else he thinks about.

4] Which shot do you like the best and why?

(Female aged 16) I like the way people are holding up a "bring love back aroud!"poster - spreading positivity. How he looks to be sining the song - this looks authentic and preffesional.

(Female aged 14) I like the shot of the hands in the shape of a love heart. It is really effective when your trying to bring love back around.

(Female aged 17) My favourite - when he faces the camera on the first words. It makes feel like the audience is included. "you, you, you" when he's clothes change.

5] What is the narrative of the MV? What dont you understand about the story?
(Female aged 16) I understand that the story is about spreadin positivity and brining "Love Back Around". Narrative - spread positivity as throughout the song the main these is "Bring Love Back Around".

(Female aged 14) Love, he is lonley and wants to be loved.

(Female aged 17) Brining trust in people back to the mainstream.

6] What dont you like?

(Female aged 16) some of the shots sound drowns out the song.

(Female aged 14) the part with the poster, it would look better if they were saying it aswell.

(Female aged 17) the shots of the phone being there, then disapearing the hand moved slightly.

Research findings:

1]This research has been very helpful as we now have an idea regarding the thoughts of our target audience. It is brilliant that our target audience can identify our genre so easily, as this was a key target for us. We intentionally used pop genre conventions in order to anchor this meaning.

2] It is also perfect that our TA sees our star as a typical teenage boy. This is exatly what we have attempted to create regarding his apperence and facial expressions. As she also likes the singing into camera aspect, using this throughout the MV was a very good idea due to it also developing the pop genre conventions.

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