The establishing shot for this video is a long shot of a beach, this shot sets them initial scene for the music video.
The piano and rap develops the music into a mix of classical and pop genre. The main costumes worn by the artists relate to the colour scheme, creating synergy for the music video.
The video is both performance based and narrative based.
This specific shot, is performance based as he is singing into the camera. A closeup shot is used to show eye contact with the camera, and show his facial gestures and emotion of the song.
For each time the chorus replays, a close up to a medium shot is used showing him singing into the camera.
As the song is linked to fast and furious, in the background, short montages are played. "how can we not talk about family when familys all that we got" is said as a clip of the fast and furious cast are walking up the beach, this shows a relationship between the lyrics and music video.
A medium close up shot is used when the shot is performance based. This is done to show the artist singing into the camera, this follows Goodwins theory of close ups establish the artist, therefore this connects the artist with the audience.
Throughout this video small concept based shots are played. Goodwins theory of intertextual reference is adhered here as this song features the actors and a clip from Fast and Furious 7. Furthermore, this song was wrote for the movie due to one of the actors deaths. These concept based shots help create a film like effect to the music video.
Genre Characteristics - This music video is very male genre orientated. This is shown through the many shots of muscle cars and action scenes. As well as this there are many shots of women dressed in bikinis, linking to Mulveys theory of 'male gaze'.
However, due to smartly dressed, rich looking men, the shot could link to greens theory of 'female gaze'.
How This Research has Influenced my Planning and Creativity
1] The close up performance based shots really emphasise the emotional concept and hiden meaning throughout the video.
2] There are many gendre characteistics in this video - for example the women are dressed in minimal clothing and the men in suits and regular clothing. In turn, fitting with laura mulveys theory of 'male gaze' as they are dressed to appear attractive to the opposite sex.
3] Cars in the background of some of the performance shots help the video link with the 'Fast and Furious' Concept.
4] I love the cinary and backgrounds of the shots in this music video.
This is basic, Alex. You need to apply more theory and go into much more in depth analysis using media language. Think about the four areas you studied for TV Drama.