Friday 27 October 2017

Conclusion: Music Video Research

How This Research has Influenced my Planning and Creativity

  • The close up performance based shots really emphasise the emotional concept and hidden meaning throughout the video.
  • There are many gender characteristics in this video - for example the women are dressed in minimal clothing and the men in suits and regular clothing. In turn, fitting with Laura Mulveys theory of 'male gaze' as they are dressed to appear attractive to the opposite sex
  • Cars in the background of some of the performance shots help the video link with the 'Fast and Furious' Concept.
  • I love the scenery and backgrounds of the shots in this music video. 
  • The videos concepts are shown very well throughout. I love how they had people sticking question marks around the city.
  • The costumes in the video look very modern for the time the video was released. I now know that in Pop music videos you can just use modern costumes and outfits.
  • The close up shots in this video really work with Goodwin’s theory. many people now associate Will.I.Am's voice with his face due to the close ups in a lot of Black Eye Peas videos.
  • I really like the colour scheme and lighting in this video. The golden colours really emphasise the rich colours and costume.
  • I love how performance based this video is, to fit with Goodwin’s theory we will need to use many performance based shots in our final music video.
  • The narrative based aspects of this music video were very prominent throughout. I liked how clear the story was told.
  • Overall this music video has helped a lot regarding research and ideas for our groups music video. I have learnt that using a mixture of narrative and performance based concepts is a good idea as it not only provides a type of story for the viewer to see but also involves a live performance type of style. I now know that I will need a significant amount of costume changes to represent gender, class, age and culture.
  • I really like how here are quotes from the media in the background of some shots.
  • The framing of some of the shots are perfect! They really represent the emotions she is expressing throughout the song.
  • The close up shots work really well when showing the viewer the narrative of the song
  • Making a social comment - we want to include ideas about peace and war in our music video. Black eyed Peas also inspired this. I want to infer these ideas rather than the being explicit. However, we are going to use newspaper articles - this creates intertextuality and multimedia.
  • Gaga is very much about empowering the modern woman.
  • There is a great deal of choreography, this is not something we have thought about doing in our music video. However, we will need to ask our star to move to the beat of the song.
  • Lighting represents different meanings throughout this music video (Black = Hell, White = Heaven) We will do something like this as it will work with our meanings and social statements we will be making.
  • Strauss's theory of binary opposition was used in this music video. We will use this theorist throughout as we will be showing the good and bad sides of life. (Peace/Hate) we will use this by having out artist wearing lively clothing.
  • Throughout this music video there are many different aspects of intertextuality. Intertextuality will be used in our music video through the newspaper, photographs, posters and earphones. Earphones are regularly used in modern music videos.
  • Laura Mulveys theory of representation was heavily met through the entirety of the music video. We will need to make sure if we do use a female actor in the music video, that she is dressed in clothing which would attract the male audience.
  • Lighting - I like the way the props lighting effects the lighting for the entire shot.                  - I now understand that dull natural lighting creates a mood/atmosphere for the entirety of the music video.
  • I like how emotions are shown in different ways. For example, back turned, Crying, Dark clothing, lighting.
  • I now know I need to use specific lighting to create a certain mood throughout the video.
  • I liked the way lighting and colour was used to further portray the emotions and develop tension.
  • I also liked the representations in this video. (The rope, piano, suit)
  • I love how the concept and narrative of the story is told clearly throughout. I really understood what the video was about.

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