Monday 9 October 2017

Planning: Photo Board (Group Post)

  • The overall look of the shots we have taken have a mainly rural mise-en-scene.
  • The green sign we will be holding up will be green, developing synergy throughout the video.
  • There are some location shot taken in the town cente, these shots contrast against the rural, greener colours.

The Overall Look There is a recurring use of green especially in our prop shot and location shots. This creates a relationship between the two and gives our artist a brand identity. The red on the artists shirt coincides with the red on the love heat and the charity shop the red cross. We decided to use the red cross because hey are the main charity that goes abroad when disaster strikes and our music video represents disaster and conflict. We have also discussed using the autumn season because it coincides with the green and red brand identity of the artist and the weather is overcast but has the occasional sunny day which symbolises dark into light meaning war into peace.


We have used mainly rural locations with a few urban locations. The amount of urban shots is limited due to living in a rural area with a small historical town to use for urban shots. Throughout the video we are trying to put across the idea of an empty place due to conflict. This creates Goodwin's theory of having a relationship between lyrics and visuals because one of the lyrics in our song is "and it feels dead, in this town". This also applies to the empty urban scene.

We feel that most of the rural shots are better than the urban ones, especially the ones of our artist sat on the bench. This is because our idea was to have him contemplating on how we are affected today and reflect on how previous conflicts have changed the world. We think the bench shots portray that idea really well. The only urban scene that works better than some o the rural shots is the close up of our artist looking at the shop window. The words on the window are "unconditional care in a crisis" and shows how the Red Cross help others.

Costume and Makeup

In general the costumes are good and they tie in with the artists brand identity and the colours we want to create. We could use brighter colours as well as the red checked shirt. This is due to a convention of the pop genre being bright and happy. We would be adhering to conventions but we would also be brightening up the video. This type of costume could be used at the end as the transition from war to peace is being made. The red and the green also conflict each other as well as stand out against each other and this is making a statement and is symbolism. The red on the shirt symbolises love and bringing love back around is our key message.


We are happy with using the sign and wouldn't want to change that as it is a bold statement. It was also heavily influenced by the Black Eyed Peas video "Where is the love" and felt it would be a great idea for our video

1 comment:

  1. An excellent group post - well done. Your journey is clear and i think this will really help you to finalise your planning and create script breakdowns.


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Welcome to my A2 G325 blog I am Alexander Sherratt, a student from Brigg Sixth Form. I have tried to show my journey from my initial ideas t...